Mixed Analog-Digital VLSI I

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40% Machine Problems, 60% Project.

To determine your course grade, I will compute a weighted average of all of your machine problem and project scores. If your weighted average is 90% or higher, you will receive at least an A-. If your weighted average is 80% or higher, you will receive at least a B-. If your weighted average is 70% or higher, you will receive at least a C-. I may adjust the boundaries between letter grades down, depending on the distribution of overall weighted averages. No individual assignments will be curved.

Course Policies:

Collaboration. You are free to discuss the machine problems with other students in the class, but when it comes time to do the work, you should work alone. You may not simply sit next to a classmate, looking over their shoulder at the computer screen and turn in a copy of their design files or simulation results. You should have a sufficient understanding of everything that you turn in that you could explain it to someone else (e.g, me) and answer his or her questions about it without consulting anyone else.

Late Assignments. Machine problem and project reports will be on the announced dates and times. These reports can be handwritten neatly or typeset. Late reports will be penalized at a rate of up to 5% per day or fraction thereof.

Page maintained by Bradley A. Minch – Last modified September 1, 2016