Mixed Analog-Digital VLSI I

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Name:  Bradley A. Minch
Office:  MH 354
Hours:  come by anytime or make appointment
Phone:  781–292–2566

Meetings:  Mon Thu 1:30–3:10 PM in AC 304


Prerequisites:  ENGR 2420 or permission of instructor

This course will provide an overview of mixed-signal (analog and digital) integrated circuit design in complimentary metal-oxide (CMOS) technologies. Students will learn transistor-level design of digital and analog circuits, layout techniques for digital and analog circuit modules, and special physical considerations that arise in a mixed-signal integrated circuit. Students will design a custom mixed-signal integrated circuit that will be sent out for fabrication (subject to the approval of MOSIS funding) at the end of the semester if they commit to testing their chips when they come back.


Page maintained by Bradley A. Minch – Last modified September 1, 2016